Welcome to QleeQ™
Excecutive Decision Support System
Brand Value Increase
Increasing the added value in todays fearce competition is a complex set of tasks that are getting ever more hard to accomplish.
Combining these tasks with the other tasks that the brand manager and other decision makers in the organization need to complete, they become almost impossible to conduct.
Not only you must understand the current brand(s) presence value, but you need to know where you want to go and how to accoplish that with the best tactics possible.
QleeQ™ is delivering a Business and Competitive Intelligence systems that can automatically and simply assist you in your those daily tasks.
We design and develop our system on the best proven case studies that will assist in making your decision more accurate and to the point.
We have compiled a cutting edge methology that is both implemented in our systems and is presented in the process we implement for organizations the integration of our systems.
QleeQ™ is take into consideration the 'holy triangle' - Scope, Time, Cost and Quality

QleeQ™ is considering the 'big' triangle for delivering results

We do that with those set of phases:
Planning and Analysis
Before you start with anything - you need to plan
In the planning phase we determine - the participants, resources, costs, quality, schedule, tasks and more.
We determine schedules such as Gantt charts to plan and subsequently report progress within the environment.
Initially, the scope is defined and the appropriate methods for completing the integration are determined. Following this step, the durations for the various tasks necessary to complete
the work are listed and grouped into a work breakdown structure. The logical dependencies between tasks are defined using an activity network diagram that enables identification of the
critical path. Float or slack time in the schedule can be calculated using integration management software. Then the necessary resources can be estimated and costs for each activity can
be allocated to each resource, giving the total integration cost. At this stage, the integration schedule may be optimized to achieve the appropriate balance between resource usage and
integration duration to comply with the integration objectives. Once established and agreed, the integration schedule becomes what is known as the baseline schedule. Progress will be
measured against the baseline schedule throughout the life of the integration. Analyzing progress compared to the baseline schedule is known as earned value management.
The inputs of the planning phase includes proposals, documents, standards, and other references. The outputs of the planning phase include the requirements, the schedule, and the management plan.
Defining Strategy
Integration project strategy definition: "the Integraton project strategy is a direction in a project that contributes to success of the project in its environment."
The concept of project strategy is not be limited to serving a single parent organization only. Instead, the concept of project strategy acknowledge a project’s autonomy as well as its unique position as part of its complex context.
Concerning the levels of project management, a project strategy concern not only operative and tactical levels, but also the institutional level, and thereby enable a project’s significant interaction with its context. This broader viewpoint would allow the project to define and implement a strategy of its own in alignment with the project’s unique environment. Therefore, a more holistic project strategy concept is developed, to take into account a project’s possibility to operate as an autonomous organization, to seek survival and success in an uncertain and complex environment, and to consider strategic options possibly with multiple strong stakeholders. However, it is important that the project strategy is generic enough, to allow also for project’s choices that are in accordance with suggestions in the existing project strategy literature: the strategy must allow situations where the project’s choice is to respond to its parent’s will obediently.
Our project strategy is designed to allow for different kinds of project strategies that individual projects may have. In order to clarify the meaning and importance of this strategy, we explain the words direction, contribute, success, and environment in our definition: we selected the word direction to describe explicit elements of the project strategy. It can be interpreted as either one or several of the following: goals, plans, guidelines, means, methods, tools, or governance systems and mechanisms including reward or penalty schemes, measurement, and other controlling devices.
We assume that all these elements include a capability to directly or indirectly affect the project’s course. Project’s direction’ and its elements may change even on a continuous basis in a project, which suggests that project and its strategy is dynamic.
Presence Analysis
In the Presence Analysis phase we perform a process of presenting and drawing traffic to a personal or professional brand. This process combines the analsis of web design and development, blogging, search engine optimization, pay per click marketing, reputation management, directory listings, social media, link sharing, and other avenues to create a long-term positive presence for a person, organization, or product in search engines and on the web in general
Theory of Presence Analysis - due to the evolving nature of Internet use, a web site alone is not sufficient to promote most brands. To maintain a web presence and brand recognition, individuals and companies need to use a combination of social tools such as Maps, Social media, Twitter, Photos, Movies, as well as cultivating a brand presence on mobile apps and other online databases.
The Presence Analysis process starts by determining goals that will define a strategy. Once this strategy is put in place, an ongoing and constant process of evaluating and fine-tuning is necessary to drive online presence towards the identified goals. At the same time, presence analysis is concerned with reducing the cost of achieving goals by relying more on organic activity than on paid placement approaches.
A Presence Analysis strategy has several parts. Generally these will include search engine placement (making sure the brand appears high in search engine results when the end user has a relevant query), monitoring online discussion around the brand, and analyzing the brand's overall web presence.
Elements of Presence Analysis: Web design and development, Blogging, Search engine optimization, Internet advertising, Reputation management, Social media marketing, including but not limited to: Social media monitoring, Social aggregation, Social bookmarking and tagging, Social analytics and reporting, Automation, Validation
Forecast Future
Forecasting is the process of making statements about events whose actual outcomes (typically) have not yet been observed. A commonplace example might be estimation of some variable of interest at some specified future date, like Prediction which is a similar, but more general term. Both refer to formal statistical methods employing time series, cross-sectional or longitudinal data, or alternatively to less formal judgmental methods.
Usage areas of application: for example, the terms "forecast" and "forecasting" are sometimes reserved for estimates of values at certain specific future times, while the term "prediction" is used for more general estimates, such as the number of times an event will occur over a long period.
Risk and uncertainty are central to forecasting and prediction; it is generally considered good practice to indicate the degree of uncertainty attaching to forecasts. In any case, the data must be up to date in order for the forecast to be as accurate as possible.
Although quantitative analysis can be very precise, we use also more practices to make it the best results possible - Qualitative vs. quantitative methods, Naïve approach, Time series methods, Causal / econometric forecasting methods, Judgmental methods, Artificial intelligence methods and Other methods.
Strategic foresight arises from the premise that:
1. The future is not predictable;
2. The future is not predetermined; and
3. Future outcomes can be influenced by our choices in the present
We utilize strategic foresight as part of the corporate foresight in large companies. We also use it within various levels of government and not for profit organizations.
Strategic foresight can be practiced at multiple levels, three different levels being:
a. Pragmatic foresight - "Carrying out tomorrows' business better"
b. Progressive foresight - "Going beyond conventional thinking and practices and reformulating processes, products, and services using quite different assumptions"
c. Civilisational foresight - "Seeks to understand the aspects of the next civilisation - the one that lies beyond the current impasse, the prevailing hegemony of techno/industrial/capitalist interests".
Two approaches to futures studies that are especially focused at those last two levels of strategic foresight are Critical futures and Integral futures.
Strategic Foresight Group defines foresight as a combination of forecasting with insight. While forecasting requires methodologies, generated by computers or otherwise, insight requires deep understanding of the subject concerned. Foresight is developed by applying forecasting methodology to the insight. Strategic Foresight relates to foresight of strategic issues.
Strategic Foresight is the ability to create and maintain a high-quality, coherent and functional forward view, and to use the insights arising in useful organizational ways. For example to detect adverse conditions, guide policy, shape strategy, and to explore new markets, products and services. It represents a fusion of futures methods with those of strategic management (Slaughter (1999), p. 287).
Determining Action Items
It is considered the hardest tasks - determining the action items to be done after all the Branding Value increase and Marketing Improvement processes. Having an automatic system to do that is ever harder.
We assist you to increase your brand’s value added to boost your bottom line
In order to reduce your spending of time, money, and resources to develop your brand, our business and competitive intelligence system are designed in such a way that you will be presented with the utmost best action items to conduct. Amongst them are:
1. Identify and push your brand ambassadors - internal brand personnel, strategy, marketing and PR. Not to forget that sometimes the most influential brand ambassadors are found outside your organization.
Action Items:
• Assess your case study and testimonial archives.
• Segment your social media community based on interactions, qualitative engagement, and perhaps most importantly, negative interactions or comments.
• Create a shortlist of partners, thought leaders, and experts within your industry that you’ve established relationships with or cultivate a role in appropriate groups and tap your peer network by asking them to introduce you to their favorite thought leadership contacts.
2. Align messaging and communication across channels – by using of digital media, Social and mobile, content across email, customer communities, company blogs, personal branding and B2B or business content marketing, and PR efforts are imperative to establish and maintain core brand impressions.
Action Items:
• Create a brand persona that encompasses all channels (online and offline) that can then be easily accessed internally, and carefully shared externally with consultants or external contributors, if needed.
• Establish weekly or bi-weekly meetings with the stakeholders you identified in step one, so that teams can bring updates, ideas, and issues to the table, and collaboratively address them in a timely fashion.
• Develop parameters for teams to follow across their respective channels (i.e. rules for tweeting, scheduling interactions or impressions to ensure no overlaps). It’s also important to establish ad-hoc strategies and plans for on-the-fly brand management or control. Though it’s your PR team’s primary focus and responsibility to manage crises, changes or impromptu events that affect your company and industry, it’s important for all “brand hands” to be on deck in any given situation.
3. Define rules for measurement and reporting. It’s critical to have a collection method for customer and prospect feedback, but implementing a system for visibility into the attributes of targets that are not engaging or converting, can be your greatest asset.
Action Items:
• During your scheduled team updates, ask all stakeholders/teams to share a weekly report based on agreed upon metrics relevant to your business objectives.
• Define a blueprint for how to analyze the data collected by your teams, as well as an effective way to act on it to support overall ROI.
• Measure and analyze content consumption habits, as well as stage of interaction, to help support future content development efforts across the sales cycle.
Read more about Marketing Improvement, Brand Value Increase, Best Practices and Case Studies and our QleeQ™ products page for more details, or contact us to get a quote
QleeQ for Decision makers
Analyze Presence - Brand Managers
1. Analyze current Brand Perception, Insights and public Intentions
2. Analyze connections to other Brands in no-time
3. Analyze users' behavior based on their opinions -
Predict Future - CEO, VP, Decision Makers
1. Focus on Future Trends and perception of the public instantly
2. Predict Trends and future moves automatically
3. Conduct and monitor Campaigns based on Analysis -
Action Items - Marketing managers
1. Get leads for possible Campaigns
2. Analyze what the public and opinion makers think you and others should do
3. Save on research and consulting, decrease TTM
Additional Resources
QleeQ - Internet Intelligence Agency™ - Brand Value Increase and Marketing Improvement based on the Internet Common Opinion